Available Products

✅A Taster

At Jack’s Empowerment, we have a range of content.

In this section, we shall give you a variety of free content to whet your appetite.

We look forward to a long lasting and rewarding association with you.

Ire o (I wish you blessings) 

Jack Lookman 



-Jack Lookman Limited 

-Digital Footprints


-Jack’s Empowerment 


352 Yoruba Proverbs, Sayings And Translations - Yoruba Project

Yoruba Project 

352 Yoruba Proverbs, Sayings And Translations - Yoruba Project - https://amzn.eu/d/7vq7yid - Adebanji Osanyingbemi - Jack Lookman - Sunday Rotimi Davis-Olubayo #edeYoruba #oweYoruba #ireo #Irekabiti #JackLookman #JackLookmanLimited yorubaproject.com jacksempowerment.com @YorubaProject Purchase the book? https://amzn.eu/d/ewuHwAS 

watch the videos.  

✅Basic Affiliate Marketing Training - 001- webinar, etc

-curated videos on Basic Affiliate Marketing

-free resources

-useful for beginners

-consider purchasing Basic Learnoflix and Affiliate Marketing Course 

- Basic Learnoflix and Affiliate Marketing Course

✅Basic Member Vault Experience

-this is a brief insight to building digital courses and a membership site on this platform.

Book A Chat With Jack Lookman

✅ Book A Chat With Jack Lookman

- Do you wish to have a session with Jack Lookman?

- Is this a brief or long session?

- Do you wish to explore some of Jack’s Curated Business Ideas ?

- Or are you interested in being mentored?

- Or you wish to collaborate with Jack Lookman?

- Please send a brief email to info@jacklookmanlimited.com 

✅Books And Websites By Jack Lookman/ Jack Lookman Limited

this product gives you links to purchase books by Jack Lookman which are available at amazon

it also gives a brief insight to the content of the books.

✅Business Collaboration With Jack Lookman

- are you interested in collaborating with Jack Lookman?

- does our content resonate with you?

- could we add value to each other?

- could you compliment our efforts?

- could we profit share?

- will you like to have a chat? Age 18+ please.

✅❓ingredients for business?- Free

-the content in this product are curated and carefully selected videos of Jack Lookman and other contributors

-it serves different purposes

-helps hopeful, new and old entrepreneurs to get inspired 

-the content is greatly informative 

✅ Jack's Curated Business Ideas

- this is a collection of Curated Business Ideas by Jack Lookman 

- most of the ideas are unique

- they require refinement in order to make the most of them

- Jack Lookman is available for business collaborations

- like they say

- nothing ventured, nothing gained

Jack’s Mentoring 101

🟠 Jack’s Mentoring 101

- the modules above are guides on our value proposition

- book as many sessions as required

- the format of mentoring is via whatsapp text chats or agreed alternatives.

- we shall brainstorm together and I shall share from my experience and knowledge

- we shall cover as much as feasible within the time slots

- please book additional sessions as necessary. Age 18+ please.

✅ Jack’s Mindset

-a compilation of some of Jack Lookman’s Youtube videos on mindset

-about 40 videos

✅Udemy and I

-I share my experience about udemy

-it’s an online marketplace for digital courses

-the courses are accessible globally

-they are in little chunks

-and very user friendly

-you could ‘zoom’ into the areas of interest very easily

Empowerment and Inspiration - Sharing and Caring Committee - Jack Lookman

Empowerment and Inspiration - Sharing and Caring Committee - Jack Lookman

Collaborative work with University Of Lagos Engineering Alumni - 1987 - Sharing and Caring Committee 

💰Ajo- Traditional Savings App- Question And Answer

This content comes in text and video/ audio.

It explores the opportunities around creating an app which leverages technology and the internet to modernize the traditional savings process which is common amongst the ethnic minorities.

Jack Lookman and Ayo have an interesting Question and Answer session to dig into this opportunity.

💰Optimising Alumni Associations- blueprint

-what are the benefits of old school unions?

-are they still relevant?

-are they in tune with realities?

-what are best practices?

-could they impact society?

💰Basic Learnoflix and Affiliate Marketing Course

This is a starter course in the affiliate marketing journey.

We aim to make it a great experience, especially for those Learnoflix students.

💷 Bath Sponge Project

As a trained Engineer, I learnt to find solutions to problems.

This idea was born out of challenges faced as a senior citizen in having a decent and convenient bath experience, without the need for swopping bath sponges or spending money unnecessarily.

This content is an attempt at finding a cost effective solution to a problem that affect some of us in our adult life; and which could affect  others in the later years.

I’ve married Engineering, Content Creation and Entrepreneurial skills with the hope of being part of the value chain in solving this problem.

💰Becoming Organised

This course is a brief run down on exploring different ways of being organized and more efficient.

It could help save lots of time and effort.

It could help you do things more efficiently.

It could help your career, business or academic pursuits.

It could help you become better at what you do.

💰Content Creation Ideas- 001- blueprint

A blueprint collection of 15 Content creation ideas for bloggers, writers, content creators, vloggers, etc; from Jack Lookman Limited.

#content creation ideas; #Jack Lookman; #Jack Lookman Limited; #mentoring; #empowerment; #inspiration; #Olayinka Carew; #jacksempowerment.com; #content creation; #Empowerment, Inspiration and Support; #Jack’s Inspiration; 

💰Curated Business Ideas- 001

these are business ideas for your consideration.

for more in depth information or 1-1 sessions, please contact Jack Lookman at jacklookman@yahoo.co.uk 

Subject: 1-1 Request

Please indicate your brief requirements.

We shall contact you to discuss our charges accordingly.

💰Curated Business Ideas- 002

these are 15 business ideas for your consideration.

for more in depth information or 1-1 sessions, please contact Jack Lookman at jacklookman@yahoo.co.uk 

Subject: 1-1 Request

Please indicate your brief requirements.

We shall contact you to discuss our charges accordingly.

💰Curated Business Ideas- 003

these are 15 business ideas for your consideration.

for more in depth information or 1-1 sessions, please contact Jack Lookman at jacklookman@yahoo.co.uk 

Subject: 1-1 Request

Please indicate your brief requirements.

We shall contact you to discuss our charges accordingly.

💰Curated Business Ideas- 004

these are 15 business ideas for your consideration.

for more in depth information or 1-1 sessions, please contact Jack Lookman at jacklookman@yahoo.co.uk 

Subject: 1-1 Request

Please indicate your brief requirements.

We shall contact you to discuss our charges accordingly.

💰Curated Business Ideas- 005

these are 12 business ideas for your consideration.

for more in depth information or 1-1 sessions, please contact Jack Lookman at jacklookman@yahoo.co.uk 

Subject: 1-1 Request

Please indicate your brief requirements.

We shall contact you to discuss our charges accordingly.

💰Curated Business Ideas- 006

-10 curated business ideas from Jack Lookman 

-they are in text format

-they open your mind to possibilities

-they encourage creativity

-they stimulate thought processes

-they could open opportunities

💰Curated Business Ideas- 007

-10 curated business ideas

-text/ audio


-thought provoking

-thought stimulant

-from Jack Lookman Limited 

💰Fundraising For The Mosque- blue print

-are there documented best practices in fundraising for the Mosque?

-is it right to share experiences?

-could others leverage such information?

-is it an act of worship?

-could it benefit the Ummah?

-could we collectively learn from such?

-could it be a source of reference?

💰✅❓Jack The Mentor - Mentoring and Coaching

-1-1 access to Jack Lookman     -Signposting.   -Passion/ interest audit

-Online tuition.   -Skill audit.   -Opportunity audit    -Mindset audit

-Access to free content    -The power of leverage.   -Collaboration opportunities

-Entrepreneurship/ Business   -Affiliate Marketing    -Personal Development

-Life skills   -Networking opportunities.  -Brainstorming

-Synergy.  -Curriculum

💰Mindset 001

Are your perspectives thin or broad?

We aim to improve your mindset.

💰mindset 002

-a collection of 13 mindset thoughts

-they are down to earth

-they help stimulate your thought processes

-give wider perspectives on situations

-some are in text

-some are in audio/ video

💰mindset- 003

-10 mindset thoughts

-in text format

-part of a series


-practical thoughts

-character building

💰mindset 004

-10 practical mindset situations

-text and audio

-food for thought

-multiple-dimensional thought options

-inspires greater thought processes

-helps to re-Engineer society

💰Monetising Digital Book Reviews- Business Idea

This content explores the business idea of digitally reviewing books in a cost effective way.

In these days when jobs are hard to come by and where several graduates roam the street, this could be an alternative worth considering.

The start up costs are minimal; ways of raising finance are also explored.

The course is in audio and text format.

💰Monetising Prayers and Translations- Adura Ati Itumo- Business Idea

-video/ audio and text

-insights into a business idea

-marrying Religion with business

-leveraging technology

-combination of different business models

-could be achieved with a low budget

💰monetising Social media celebrations- business idea

-10 minute video + transcripts

-monetising Social media celebrants and celebrations

-video is also available on Youtube 

-full content is also available as part of curated business ideas- 002

💰Optimising Community Groups

-this content is a blueprint to address weaknesses in Community groups and propose ways of improving the quality of their offering

-the content is in text format

💰optimising teaching skills

Greetings of peace.

This content is a blueprint on optimising teaching skills.

What are the various skills of the teacher?

Who are the various types of teachers?

Must teachers remain poor?

Could they leverage technology?

Could best practices be adopted?

Best Regards 

Olayinka Carew aka Jack Lookman 

©️Jack Lookman Limited 2022

💰The Nigerian Courier Entrepreneur- blueprint

-the content is text-only

-it’s a brainstorm on effectively managing a Courier Enterprise in Nigeria

-it’s a blueprint

-intended at stimulating further thoughts

-it has no statistical figures

-it’s borne out of the desire of an Entrepreneur trying to expand his courier business

💰They Humbled Me

highlighted are some circumstances that humbled me.

they were intangible experiences with great impact.

this course is a collection of few of the experiences or activities which brought me to tears.

My Products Available Products
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