-are you in the process of building a Mosque?
-or in the process of building a religious centre?
-do you require fundraising ideas
-do you wish to learn from best practice?
-have you run out of ideas?
-do you wish to share a peep from another pair of eyes?
-do you wish to leverage the experience of others?
-do you wish to leverage a reference point?
-do you want a quickly accessible reference point?
-do you want an easy-to-reference blueprint?
-if yes, consider purchasing this product
-Fundraising Ideas For The Mosque
-Jack Lookman
research or employ best practices from:
-from the sunnah
-from other Mosques
-from other organisations
-from business practices
-from intellectuals
-from individuals
-from similar organisations
-experiences from using other Mosques
-from experiences of present and past post holders within and outside the Mosque
-and internally?
-could best practice be shared periodically/ regularly?
-document and revisit these periodically, and act
-more ideas are welcome
-the positive mindset of all stakeholders is very important
-those with a negative mindset may not allow you to progress
-you might want to include relevant training on this subject
-it should be made mandatory for all stakeholders
-as the need arises, there may be refresher courses
-this could be in digital format to reduce cost
-as well as for easy accessibility
-mindset is an important foundational tool
-if it’s not got right, efforts may be in vain
-there shall be regular reviews of processes
-are they working?
-could they be better?
-could they be done differently?
-have parameters changed?
-reviews could be initiated via brainstorming sessions
-as well as via feedback mechanisms
-after the brainstorms
-collect regular data
-have an action plan
-execute the plans
-keep reviewing periodically
-note your activities
-note your processes
-are there more efficient ways of executing them?
-could some of them be automated or semi-automated?
-is there a need to invest in these?
-will it be value for money?
-will it create long-term savings?
-are there systems and structures to manage your human resources?
-are they efficient?
-are they cost and time efficient?
-is there a need to outsource any bodies of work?
-is there a need to research on the above?
-is automation affordable?
-is there a business case for it?
-is there a need to regularly review your processes?
-could you shadow similar organisations?
-and learn from best practice?
-targets should be set for activities needing accomplishment
-targets should be realistic
-targets usually drive processes
-targets should be reviewed as necessary
-they should also be documented and monitored
-assessments should be carried out as necessary
-these help evaluate processes as effective or requiring modification
Asalam Alaykum Waramotulahi Wabarakatu-u
if you wish to add or comment, please send this to jacklookman@yahoo.co.uk
subject should be:
Fundraising for the Mosque (comment/s)- (jacksempowerment.com)
Jazakh Allahu khayran.
Maa Salam.
Ire o (I wish you blessings)
Jack Lookman
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